New types of advertising campaigns on Instagram, updates to the IPweb Surf program and application

New types of advertising campaigns on Instagram, updates to the IPweb Surf program and application

New types of tasks are added to Instagram!

  • Share to story. Only with us!
    The user shares your post from the feed to his or her stories. Such actions are guaranteed to increase coverage and promote the post in the feed
  • Viewing stories. 100 views - 26 RUB.
    Where to get the link to the story: go to the story, click "more", then click "copy link". Use it to create a task
  • Reply to story.100 reply - 40 RUB
    Fast reply - emoji, as well as voting, tests, questions, emoji-slider and any comments. You can ask users for instructions: which option to vote for in the survey, or specify the text of the comment.
  • Save the post. 100 saves - 26 RUB
    Saves in Instagram affect publication rating even if they are not visible to other users. More saved content is the best quality indicator, so Instagram algorithms will give preference to content with a large number of bookmarks.

New types of mobile app promotion tasks have been added:

Task updates:

What's new in the IPweb Surf application for Android?

In the new version of the IPweb Surf for Android 4.5.1 application we have resolved many of the problems that users have complained about, as well as improved work with keywords.
The update of IPweb Surf for Android 4.5.2 is being prepared for publication, in which we have fixed the problem with the search queries "You entered the wrong search query".

What is new in IPweb Surf program?

IPweb Surf for Windows 3.4.0 has been updated. We have fixed some errors, and also improved search query input verification. Now in the tasks from the search engine users cannot enter the domain instead of a keyword in the search string, which provides better execution of SEO tasks. For more stable performance of the program, we recommend that you update.

(response to user )

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