- for all types
- token - authorization token (string)
- type - type of advertising campaign (string)
- url - website page address (string)
- actions - number of actions per period (int, default: 1000)
- period - period for quantity actions (string, default: day). Values:
- day - in a day
- month - per month
- week - in week
- spreading - actions distribution method (string, default: normal). Values:
- normal - distribute actions naturally, taking into account the time of day and days of the week
- equal - distribute evenly across all hours and days of the week
- 8_19 - distribute evenly between 8 am and 7 pm every day
- 9_21 - distribute evenly between 9 am and 9 pm every day
- variation - value of permissible fluctuations for the number of actions +- (int, default: 0)
- variation_type - unit of measurement for permissible fluctuations (string, default: percent). Values:
- percent - as a percentage of actions
- execution - in number of actions
- email_stat - receive statistics by e-mail (bool(0,1), default: 1)
- premium_mode - premium mode (bool(0,1), default: 0)
paid [访问 1 个页面]
- No additional parameters required
paid_inner [点击内部页面]
- inner_clicks - number of clicks on internal pages (int, default: 1)
- inner_clicks_text - instructions for clicking without an excuse "on" (string, default: any internal link)
- rejection - % bounce after previous action for a more natural metric (int, default: 0)
paid_adv [点击广告]
- inner_clicks - number of clicks on internal pages (int, default: 0)
- inner_clicks_text - instructions for clicking without an excuse "on" (string, default: any internal link)
- adv_click_text - instructions for clicking on a link/banner/block (string)
- outer_clicks - number of clicks on the pages of the opened site (int, default: 0)
- paid_prof [访问 + X 次点击]
- It is allowed to transmit instructions from 1 to 10 clicks. Instructions for click No. 1 (for the rest, replace the number 1 with a serial one):
- click1_text - instructions for clicking (string)
- click1_timer - pause after click in seconds (string, default: 10). Values: 10, 20, 30, 40, 10-20, 20-40
- click1_url - click template, page or website address (string)
- click1_target - open click link in new window (bool(0,1), default: 0)
- paid_se [来自搜索引擎的访问]
- search - search system (string). Get values: campaign/searches
simplified version (one key phrase)
- keyword - search key phrase (string)
- actions - number of actions per period (int, default: 1000)
- position - site position in search results (int) Values: from 1 before 100
- page - if not specified position, search results page (int, default: 1). Values: from 1 before 10
extended version (several key phrases)
keywords - if not specified keyword, list of key phrases (json). List of keys for one key phrase (up to 100 elements):
- keyword - search key phrase (string)
- actions - number of actions per period (int, default: 1000)
- position - site position in search results (int) Values: from 1 before 100
- page - if not specified position, search results page (int, default: 1). Values: from 1 before 10
Each keyword will have its own campaign ID. All keywords will be grouped into one campaign by the parent campaign ID.
- instruction - instructions for moving from a search engine to which site (string, default: site domain from url parameter)
inner_clicks - number of clicks on internal pages (string, default: 0). Values:
- from 1 before 4
- r180 - article reading 3 minutes (equivalent to 4 clicks)
- r360 - article reading 6 minutes (equivalent to 4 inner_clicks + 4 outer_clicks)
- inner_clicks_text - instructions for clicking without an excuse "on" (string, default: any internal link)
- adv_click_text - instructions for clicking on a link/banner/block (string)
- outer_clicks - number of clicks on the pages of the opened site (int, default: 0). Values: from 1 before 4
- rejection - % bounce after previous action for a more natural metric (int, default: 0)
- paid_se_behavioral [改进搜索中的行为因素]
- search - search system (string). Get values: campaign/searches
simplified version (one key phrase)
- keyword - search key phrase (string)
- actions - number of actions per period (int, default: 1000)
- position - site position in search results (int) Values: from 1 before 100
- page - if not specified position, search results page (int, default: 1). Values: from 1 before 10
extended version (several key phrases)
keywords - if not specified keyword, list of key phrases (json). List of keys for one key phrase (up to 100 elements):
- keyword - search key phrase (string)
- actions - number of actions per period (int, default: 1000)
- position - site position in search results (int) Values: from 1 before 100
- page - if not specified position, search results page (int, default: 1). Values: from 1 before 10
Each keyword will have its own campaign ID. All keywords will be grouped into one campaign by the parent campaign ID.
- before_clicks - number of clicks on other sites in search results (string, default: 1-2). Values: 0,1, 2, 3, 4, 1-2, 1-3, 1-4
- inner_clicks - number of clicks on internal pages (string, default: 1-4). Values: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1-2, 1-3,1-4
- inner_clicks_text - instructions for clicking without an excuse "on" (string, default: any internal link)
- rejection - % bounce after previous action for a more natural metric (int, default: 0)
- paid_se_links [链接增强]
- outer_clicks - number of clicks on the pages of the opened site (int, default: 0). Values: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 1-3, 1-6, 1-9
- rejection - % bounce after previous action for a more natural metric (int, default: 0)
simplified version (one link)
- link - URL (address) of the donor site, is equivalent to the url parameter, which can be omitted in this case (string)
- path - instructions for clicking on the link, link location (string)
- actions - number of actions per period (int, default: 1000)
extended version (several links)
links - if not specified link, list of links (json). List of keys for one link (up to 100 elements):
- link - URL (address) of the donor site (string)
- path - instructions for clicking on the link, link location (string)
- actions - number of actions per period (int, default: 1000)
Each link will have its own campaign ID. All links will be grouped into one campaign by the parent campaign ID.
- paid_se_tips [搜索建议]
- search - search system (string). Get values: campaign/searches
simplified version (one key phrase)
- keyword - search key phrase (string)
- actions - number of actions per period (int, default: 1000)
- position - site position in search results (int) Values: from 1 before 100
- page - if not specified position, search results page (int, default: 1). Values: from 1 before 10
extended version (several key phrases)
keywords - if not specified keyword, list of key phrases (json). List of keys for one key phrase (up to 100 elements):
- keyword - search key phrase (string)
- actions - number of actions per period (int, default: 1000)
- position - site position in search results (int) Values: from 1 before 100
- page - if not specified position, search results page (int, default: 1). Values: from 1 before 10
Each keyword will have its own campaign ID. All keywords will be grouped into one campaign by the parent campaign ID.
- instruction - instructions for moving from a search engine to which site (string)
- inner_clicks - number of clicks on internal pages (int, default: 0). Values: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 1-3, 1-6, 1-9
- inner_clicks_text - instructions for clicking without an excuse "on" (string, default: any internal link)
- paid_se_favorite_browser [从搜索中添加到书签]
- search - search system (string). Get values: campaign/searches
simplified version (one key phrase)
- keyword - search key phrase (string)
- actions - number of actions per period (int, default: 1000)
- position - site position in search results (int) Values: from 1 before 100
- page - if not specified position, search results page (int, default: 1). Values: from 1 before 10
extended version (several key phrases)
keywords - if not specified keyword, list of key phrases (json). List of keys for one key phrase (up to 100 elements):
- keyword - search key phrase (string)
- actions - number of actions per period (int, default: 1000)
- position - site position in search results (int) Values: from 1 before 100
- page - if not specified position, search results page (int, default: 1). Values: from 1 before 10
Each keyword will have its own campaign ID. All keywords will be grouped into one campaign by the parent campaign ID.
- instruction - instructions for going from the search engine and bookmarking which site (string)
- paid_se_activity [从搜索访问 + 站点上的操作]
- search - search system (string). Get values: campaign/searches
simplified version (one key phrase)
- keyword - search key phrase (string)
- actions - number of actions per period (int, default: 1000)
- position - site position in search results (int) Values: from 1 before 100
- page - if not specified position, search results page (int, default: 1). Values: from 1 before 10
extended version (several key phrases)
keywords - if not specified keyword, list of key phrases (json). List of keys for one key phrase (up to 100 elements):
- keyword - search key phrase (string)
- actions - number of actions per period (int, default: 1000)
- position - site position in search results (int) Values: from 1 before 100
- page - if not specified position, search results page (int, default: 1). Values: from 1 before 10
Each keyword will have its own campaign ID. All keywords will be grouped into one campaign by the parent campaign ID.
- instruction - instructions for the required action (string)
social_member_telegram [Telegram: 订阅频道 / 加入聊天]
- No additional parameters required
social_like_vk [ 点赞]
- No additional parameters required
social_member_vk [ 加入群组/订阅]
- No additional parameters required
social_share_vk [ 分享]
- No additional parameters required
social_member_share_vk [ 订阅页面并与朋友分享]
- No additional parameters required
social_share_link_vk [ 分享链接]
- No additional parameters required
social_install_vk [ 安装游戏/应用]
- No additional parameters required
social_friends_vk [ 添加为好友]
- No additional parameters required
social_like_wall_vk [ 点赞墙上的任何帖子]
- No additional parameters required
social_share_wall_vk [ 分享墙上的任何帖子]
- No additional parameters required
social_comment_vk [ 发表评论]
comment_type - comment type (string, default: any). Values:
- any - any
- positive - positive
- negative - negative
comment_language - commentary language (string, default: all). Values:
- all - any
- 0 - russian
- 1 - english
- 2 - spanish
- 3 - portuguese
social_complex_1_vk [ 点赞,加入群组/订阅]
- rejection - % likelihood of next action for a more natural metric (int, default: 10)
social_complex_2_vk [ 点赞,分享,加入群组/订阅]
- rejection - % likelihood of next action for a more natural metric (int, default: 10)
social_complex_3_vk [ 点赞,加入群组/订阅,评论]
comment_language - commentary language (string, default: all). Values:
- all - any
- 0 - russian
- 1 - english
- 2 - spanish
- 3 - portuguese
- rejection - % likelihood of next action for a more natural metric (int, default: 10)
social_video_vk [ 观看视频 [2.5 分钟]]
- No additional parameters required
social_like_odnoklassniki [ 赞!]
- No additional parameters required
social_member_odnoklassniki [ 加入群组]
- No additional parameters required
social_share_odnoklassniki [ 分享]
- No additional parameters required
social_install_odnoklassniki [ 安装游戏]
- No additional parameters required
social_like_wall_odnoklassniki [ 赞!任何帖子]
- No additional parameters required
social_share_wall_odnoklassniki [ 分享任何帖子]
- No additional parameters required
social_share_site_odnoklassniki [ 告诉朋友这个网站]
- No additional parameters required
social_share_link_odnoklassniki [ 分享链接]
- No additional parameters required
social_comment_odnoklassniki [ 发布评论]
comment_type - comment type (string, default: any). Values:
- any - any
- positive - positive
- negative - negative
comment_language - commentary language (string, default: all). Values:
- all - any
- 0 - russian
- 1 - english
- 2 - spanish
- 3 - portuguese
social_video_odnoklassniki [ 观看视频 [2.5 分钟]]
- No additional parameters required
social_member_mailru [Moj 加入群组/订阅]
- No additional parameters required
social_like_wall_mailru [Moj 点赞群组中的任何帖子]
- No additional parameters required
social_visit_quora [Quora:查看帖子/问题]
- No additional parameters required
friends_odnoklassniki [ 添加为好友]
- No additional parameters required
member_telegram [Telegram: 订阅频道 / 加入聊天]
- No additional parameters required
bot_telegram [Telegram: 启动机器人]
- No additional parameters required
bot_fulfill_telegram [Telegram: 启动机器人 + 满足所有条件]
- instruction - instructions (string)
app_fulfill_telegram [Telegram: 启动 Web 应用程序 + 按步骤操作]
- instruction - instructions (string)
read_telegram [Telegram: 阅读帖子]
- No additional parameters required
like_telegram [Telegram: 对帖子做出反应]
- instruction - instructions (string)
voting_telegram [Telegram: 投票]
- instruction - voting instructions (string, default: 为 __ 投票。然后在 Telegram 应用中截图以确认您的操作。)
- vote_for - simplified instructions. The value will be inserted into the standard instruction instead of − (string)
share_telegram [Telegram: 分享(转发)]
instruction_variant - instruction option (int, default: 1). Get values: campaign/get_instruction_variants
- 1 - 将此帖子转发给好友或转发到您的频道(点击帖子右侧的箭头,或右键单击选择"Forward message"),然后在 Telegram 应用/程序中截图以确认转发。
- 2 - 将频道中的任何帖子转发给好友或转发到您的频道(使用帖子右侧的箭头,或右键单击选择"Forward message")。然后在 Telegram 应用中截图以确认转发。
comment_telegram [Telegram: 写评论]
- instruction - instructions for commenting (string, default: 在帖子下留下[[comment_type]]评论。评论必须独特,至少包含10个字符,符合帖子主题并且合适。然后在 Telegram 应用中截屏以确认您的操作。)
comments - list of comments for publication (json). List of keys for one comment:
- sex - gender (string, default: any). Values: any, male, female
- sub - subject (string, default: empty line)
- text - comment text (string)
comment_type - comment text (string, default: any). Values:
- any - any
- positive - positive
- negative - negative
comment_language - commentary language (string, default: all). Values:
- all - any
- 0 - russian
- 1 - english
- 2 - spanish
- 3 - portuguese
instruction_variant - instruction option (int, default: 1). Get values: campaign/get_instruction_variants
- 1 - 在帖子下留下[[comment_type]]评论。评论必须独特,至少包含10个字符,符合帖子主题并且合适。然后在 Telegram 应用中截屏以确认您的操作。
- 2 - 在频道的任意帖子下留下[[comment_type]]评论,长度至少 10 个字符。评论应独特、与帖子/频道相关,不可无意义或不恰当。然后在 Telegram 应用中截屏以确认您的评论。
member_tiktok [TikTok: 订阅]
- No additional parameters required
like_tiktok [TikTok: 点赞]
instruction_variant - instruction option (int, default: 1). Get values: campaign/get_instruction_variants
- 1 - 点击点赞(心形图标),然后在 TikTok 应用或您的账户中截图以确认操作。
- 2 - 在本账户的任意视频上点击点赞(心形图标),然后在 TikTok 应用或您的账户中截图以确认操作。
favorite_tiktok [TikTok: 加入收藏]
instruction_variant - instruction option (int, default: 1). Get values: campaign/get_instruction_variants
- 1 - 点击发布内容下方右侧的旗帜/书签,截取屏幕截图确认您的操作
- 2 - 点击此帐户下任何发布内容下方右侧的旗帜/书签,截取屏幕截图确认您的操作
share_tiktok [TikTok: 分享]
instruction_variant - instruction option (int, default: 1). Get values: campaign/get_instruction_variants
- 1 - 在任意社交网络中分享这段视频,然后截屏以确认转发。
- 2 - 将本账号的视频分享到任意社交网络,然后截屏以确认转发。
comment_tiktok [TikTok: 评论]
- instruction - instructions for commenting (string, default: 在视频下留下一个[[comment_type]]评论。评论必须独特,至少包含10个字符,符合视频主题并且合适。然后在 TikTok 应用中截图以确认您的操作。)
comments - list of comments for publication (json). List of keys for one comment:
- sex - gender (string, default: any). Values: any, male, female
- sub - subject (string, default: empty line)
- text - comment text (string)
comment_type - comment text (string, default: any). Values:
- any - any
- positive - positive
- negative - negative
comment_language - commentary language (string, default: all). Values:
- all - any
- 0 - russian
- 1 - english
- 2 - spanish
- 3 - portuguese
instruction_variant - instruction option (int, default: 1). Get values: campaign/get_instruction_variants
- 1 - 在视频下留下一个[[comment_type]]评论。评论必须独特,至少包含10个字符,符合视频主题并且合适。然后在 TikTok 应用中截图以确认您的操作。
- 2 - 在本账号的任意视频下留下一个[[comment_type]]评论,长度至少10个字符。评论应独特、与视频主题相关,并且不得无意义或不恰当。然后在 TikTok 应用中截图以确认您的评论。
search_like_tiktok [TikTok: 从搜索中查看并点赞]
- instruction - instructions (string)
like_member_tiktok [TikTok: 观看 + 点赞 + 关注]
instruction_variant - instruction option (int, default: 1). Get values: campaign/get_instruction_variants
- 1 - 观看视频,点击赞(心形图标),订阅用户/频道(点击心形图标上方的按钮,点击添加),然后在 TikTok 应用或您的账户中截图以确认您的操作。
- 2 - 打开频道上的任意视频并观看,点击账户中任意视频的赞(心形图标),订阅用户/频道(点击心形图标上方的按钮,点击添加),然后在 TikTok 应用或您的账户中截图以确认您的操作。
friends_facebook [Facebook: 添加为好友/订阅]
- No additional parameters required
voting_facebook [Facebook: 投票]
- instruction - voting instructions (string, default: 为 __ 投票,并截图以确认你的投票结果.)
- vote_for - simplified instructions. The value will be inserted into the standard instruction instead of − (string)
recommend_facebook [Facebook: 推荐页面]
- No additional parameters required
share_event_facebook [Facebook: 分享活动]
- No additional parameters required
event_facebook [Facebook: 感兴趣/参加活动]
- No additional parameters required
member_recommend_vk [ 订阅通知]
- No additional parameters required
voting_vk [ 投票]
- instruction - voting instructions (string, default: 为 __ 投票,截图以确认你的投票结果)
- vote_for - simplified instructions. The value will be inserted into the standard instruction instead of − (string)
comment_wall_vk [ 在墙上的任何帖子发表评论]
- instruction - instructions for commenting (string, default: 在墙上的任何帖子下留下[[comment_type]]评论,长度不少于10个字符。评论必须是唯一的、与发布内容/频道相关,并且不得无意义或不适当。截图以确认你的评论。)
comments - list of comments for publication (json). List of keys for one comment:
- sex - gender (string, default: any). Values: any, male, female
- sub - subject (string, default: empty line)
- text - comment text (string)
comment_type - comment text (string, default: any). Values:
- any - any
- positive - positive
- negative - negative
comment_language - commentary language (string, default: all). Values:
- all - any
- 0 - russian
- 1 - english
- 2 - spanish
- 3 - portuguese
comment_wall_odnoklassniki [ 在任意帖子上发表评论]
- instruction - instructions for commenting (string, default: 在任何帖子下留下[[comment_type]]评论,长度不少于10个字符。评论必须是唯一的、与发布内容/频道相关,并且不得无意义或不适当。截图以确认你的评论。)
comments - list of comments for publication (json). List of keys for one comment:
- sex - gender (string, default: any). Values: any, male, female
- sub - subject (string, default: empty line)
- text - comment text (string)
comment_type - comment text (string, default: any). Values:
- any - any
- positive - positive
- negative - negative
comment_language - commentary language (string, default: all). Values:
- all - any
- 0 - russian
- 1 - english
- 2 - spanish
- 3 - portuguese
voting [Vote]
- instruction - voting instructions (string, default: Vote for __, take a screenshot confirming the result of your vote)
- vote_for - simplified instructions. The value will be inserted into the standard instruction instead of − (string)
voting_auth [Vote (authorization required)]
- instruction - voting instructions (string, default: Vote for __, take a screenshot confirming the result of your vote)
- vote_for - simplified instructions. The value will be inserted into the standard instruction instead of − (string)
voting_registration [Vote (registration required)]
- instruction - voting instructions (string, default: Vote for __, take a screenshot confirming the result of your vote)
- vote_for - simplified instructions. The value will be inserted into the standard instruction instead of − (string)
voting_registration_email [Vote (registration and activation by e-mail is required)]
- instruction - voting instructions (string, default: Vote for __, take a screenshot confirming the result of your vote)
- vote_for - simplified instructions. The value will be inserted into the standard instruction instead of − (string)
voting_registration_phone [Vote (registration and activation by telephone is required)]
- instruction - voting instructions (string, default: Vote for __, take a screenshot confirming the result of your vote)
- vote_for - simplified instructions. The value will be inserted into the standard instruction instead of − (string)
registration [Registration (without activation or via soc. network)]
- instruction - instructions for registration (string, default: Register on the site __, take a screenshot confirming your registration)
- target_site - simplified instructions, site name. The value will be inserted into the standard instruction instead of − (string)
registration_email [Registration with activation by e-mail]
- instruction - instructions for registration (string, default: Register on the site __, take screenshots confirming your registration and account activation)
- target_site - simplified instructions, site name. The value will be inserted into the standard instruction instead of − (string)
registration_clicks_email [Registration + activity up to 3-5 minutes]
- instruction - instructions for registration (string, default: Register on the site __, take a screenshot confirming your registration and a screenshot confirming __)
- target_site - simplified instructions, site name. The value will be inserted into the standard instruction instead of − (string)
registration_phone [Registration with activation by phone]
- instruction - instructions for registration (string, default: Register on the site __, take screenshots confirming your registration and account activation)
- target_site - simplified instructions, site name. The value will be inserted into the standard instruction instead of − (string)
comment [Comment]
- instruction - instructions for commenting (string, default: Write and submit a unique comment on the topic, take a screenshot to confirm your comment)
comments - list of comments for publication (json). List of keys for one comment:
- sex - gender (string, default: any). Values: any, male, female
- sub - subject (string, default: empty line)
- text - comment text (string)
comment_type - comment text (string, default: any). Values:
- any - any
- positive - positive
- negative - negative
comment_language - commentary language (string, default: all). Values:
- all - any
- 0 - russian
- 1 - english
- 2 - spanish
- 3 - portuguese
comment_auth [Comment (authorization required)]
- instruction - instructions for commenting (string, default: Write and submit a unique comment on the topic, take a screenshot to confirm your comment)
comments - list of comments for publication (json). List of keys for one comment:
- sex - gender (string, default: any). Values: any, male, female
- sub - subject (string, default: empty line)
- text - comment text (string)
comment_type - comment text (string, default: any). Values:
- any - any
- positive - positive
- negative - negative
comment_language - commentary language (string, default: all). Values:
- all - any
- 0 - russian
- 1 - english
- 2 - spanish
- 3 - portuguese
comment_registration [Comment (registration required)]
- instruction - instructions for commenting (string, default: Write and submit a unique comment on the topic, take a screenshot to confirm your comment)
comments - list of comments for publication (json). List of keys for one comment:
- sex - gender (string, default: any). Values: any, male, female
- sub - subject (string, default: empty line)
- text - comment text (string)
comment_type - comment text (string, default: any). Values:
- any - any
- positive - positive
- negative - negative
comment_language - commentary language (string, default: all). Values:
- all - any
- 0 - russian
- 1 - english
- 2 - spanish
- 3 - portuguese
comment_registration_email [Comment (requires registration and activation by e-mail)]
- instruction - instructions for commenting (string, default: Write and submit a unique comment on the topic, take a screenshot to confirm your comment)
comments - list of comments for publication (json). List of keys for one comment:
- sex - gender (string, default: any). Values: any, male, female
- sub - subject (string, default: empty line)
- text - comment text (string)
comment_type - comment text (string, default: any). Values:
- any - any
- positive - positive
- negative - negative
comment_language - commentary language (string, default: all). Values:
- all - any
- 0 - russian
- 1 - english
- 2 - spanish
- 3 - portuguese
comment_registration_phone [Comment (requires registration and activation by phone)]
- instruction - instructions for commenting (string, default: Write and submit a unique comment on the topic, take a screenshot to confirm your comment)
comments - list of comments for publication (json). List of keys for one comment:
- sex - gender (string, default: any). Values: any, male, female
- sub - subject (string, default: empty line)
- text - comment text (string)
comment_type - comment text (string, default: any). Values:
- any - any
- positive - positive
- negative - negative
comment_language - commentary language (string, default: all). Values:
- all - any
- 0 - russian
- 1 - english
- 2 - spanish
- 3 - portuguese
review_5star_yandex_browser [Yandex.Browser: write a review about website (rate 5 stars)]
- instruction - instructions for assessment (string, default: Open the site in a new window in Yandex.Browser, follow any internal link on it. In the address bar, click on the lock icon on the left, click on "Site Reviews", rate 5 stars and write a positive review, take a screenshot confirming your review.)
- company - simplified instructions, company name. The value will be inserted into the standard instruction instead of − (string)
member_whatsapp [WhatsApp: join the chat/subscribe to the channel]
- No additional parameters required
other_clicks_12 [Make 1-2 clicks (confirmation by screenshot)]
- instruction - instructions (string, default: Click on __, take a screenshot confirming your action)
- target - simplified instructions. The value will be inserted into the standard instruction instead of − (string)
other_clicks_35 [Make 3-5 clicks (confirmation by 2 screenshots)]
- instruction - instructions (string, default: Click on __, take 2 screenshots confirming your actions)
- target - simplified instructions. The value will be inserted into the standard instruction instead of − (string)
other_clicks_610 [Make 6-10 clicks (confirmation by 3 screenshots)]
- instruction - instructions (string, default: Click on __, take 3 screenshots confirming your actions)
- target - simplified instructions. The value will be inserted into the standard instruction instead of − (string)
other_actions_10min [Actions on the site up to 10 minutes (confirmation by 3 screenshots)]
- instruction - instructions (string, default: Click on __, take 3 screenshots confirming your actions)
- target - simplified instructions. The value will be inserted into the standard instruction instead of − (string)
read_article [在网站上阅读文章]
instruction_variant - instruction option (int, default: 1). Get values: campaign/get_instruction_variants
- 1 - Read the article completely, after spending at least 60 seconds on the site, scroll TO THE END of the article, make a screenshot of the bottom of the article
- 2 - Open any article on the site and read it completely, after spending at least 60 seconds on the site, scroll TO THE END of the article, make a screenshot of the bottom of the article
- 3 - Open any page on the site, scroll through it completely, spending at least 60 seconds on the site, take a screenshot of the bottom of the page
other_favorite_browser [Add to bookmarks of browser]
- instruction - instructions (string, default: Add any page of this site to your favorites / bookmarks in __ browser, take a screenshot confirming add to favorites)
- target - simplified instructions. The value will be inserted into the standard instruction instead of − (string)
paid_se_favorite_browser [从搜索中添加到书签]
- instruction - instructions (string)
paid_se_activity [从搜索访问 + 站点上的操作]
- instruction - instructions (string)
other_like [Like or dislike (post, user, etc.)]
- instruction - instructions (string, default: Press Like __, make a screenshot confirming your action)
- target - simplified instructions. The value will be inserted into the standard instruction instead of − (string)
other_subscribe [Subscribe (to the channel, user, etc.)]
- instruction - instructions (string, default: Subscribe to __, make a screenshot confirming the subscription)
- target - simplified instructions. The value will be inserted into the standard instruction instead of − (string)
other_share_soc [Share on any social network]
- instruction - instructions (string, default: Subscribe to __, make a screenshot confirming your action)
- target - simplified instructions. The value will be inserted into the standard instruction instead of − (string)
other_5min_soc [Any actions on social networks (up to 5 minutes)]
- instruction - instructions (string, default: Make __, take 2 screenshots confirming your actions)
- target - simplified instructions. The value will be inserted into the standard instruction instead of − (string)
other_complaint [Send a complaint]
- instruction - instructions (string, default: Submit a complaint to __. Take a screenshot confirming the submission of the complaint.)
- target - simplified instructions. The value will be inserted into the standard instruction instead of − (string)
comment_language - commentary language (string, default: all). Values:
- all - any
- 0 - russian
- 1 - english
- 2 - spanish
- 3 - portuguese
other_form_10 [Fill out the form (up to 10 fields)]
- instruction - instructions (string, default: Fill the form. Take a screenshot confirming the submission of the completed form.)
- target - simplified instructions. The value will be inserted into the standard instruction instead of − (string)
other_form_30 [Fill out the form (up to 30 fields)]
- instruction - instructions (string, default: Fill the form. Take a screenshot confirming the completion of the form, and a screenshot confirming the submission of the completed form.)
- target - simplified instructions. The value will be inserted into the standard instruction instead of − (string)
marketplace_add_to_cart [Marketplace: add to cart]
- instruction - instructions (string)
marketplace_add_to_favorite [Marketplace: add to favorites]
- instruction - instructions (string)
marketplace_share_soc [Marketplace: share product/seller on social media]
- instruction - instructions (string)
marketplace_activity_5min [Marketplace: find the item + actions up to 5 minutes]
- instruction - instructions (string)
marketplace_ask_question [Marketplace: ask a question about an item]
- instruction - instructions (string)
comment_language - commentary language (string, default: all). Values:
- all - any
- 0 - russian
- 1 - english
- 2 - spanish
- 3 - portuguese
marketplace_subscribe [Marketplace: subscribe to seller]
- instruction - instructions (string)
avito_add_to_cart [Avito: add to cart]
instruction_variant - instruction option (int, default: 1). Get values: campaign/get_instruction_variants
- 1 - 将商品添加到购物车中,并截图以确认此操作。
- 2 - 进入任意卖家的商品页面,将商品添加到购物车,并截图以确认此操作。
avito_add_to_favorite [Avito: add to favorites]
instruction_variant - instruction option (int, default: 1). Get values: campaign/get_instruction_variants
- 1 - 将商品添加到收藏夹(心形图标 ♡),并截图以确认此操作。
- 2 - 进入任意卖家的商品页面,将商品添加到收藏夹(心形图标 ♡),并截图以确认此操作。
avito_ask_question [Avito: ask a question]
comment_language - commentary language (string, default: all). Values:
- all - any
- 0 - russian
- 1 - english
- 2 - spanish
- 3 - portuguese
instruction_variant - instruction option (int, default: 1). Get values: campaign/get_instruction_variants
- 1 - 通过 Avito 聊天联系卖家,询问有关产品/服务的实际问题。截取发送问题的确认截图。
- 2 - 选择并发送广告底部的其中一个问题("Спросите у продавца"部分中的现成问题)。截取发送问题的确认截图。
avito_subscribe [Avito: subscribe to seller]
- No additional parameters required
avito_contact [Avito: сontact the seller]
instruction_variant - instruction option (int, default: 1). Get values: campaign/get_instruction_variants
- 1 - 点击"Показать телефон"按钮,截取确认此操作的截图。
- 2 - 点击"Позвонить через Авито"/"Позвонить"按钮,截取确认此操作的截图。
- 3 - 点击"Написать"按钮,截取确认此操作的截图。
- 4 - Click on one of the buttons: "Показать телефон", "Позвонить" or "Написать", take a screenshot confirming this action.
avito_complaint [Avito: report an offer]
- instruction - voting instructions (string, default: 点击页面底部的"Пожаловаться на объявление"。选择一个原因并提交投诉。截取确认此操作的截图。)
- reason - simplified instructions, reason for complaint. The value will be inserted into the standard instruction instead of − (string)
comment_language - commentary language (string, default: all). Values:
- all - any
- 0 - russian
- 1 - english
- 2 - spanish
- 3 - portuguese
ozon_add_to_cart [Ozon: add to cart]
instruction_variant - instruction option (int, default: 1). Get values: campaign/get_instruction_variants
- 1 - 将商品添加到您的购物车,截取确认此操作的屏幕截图。
- 2 - 将该商店的任何商品添加到您的购物车,截取确认此操作的屏幕截图。
ozon_add_to_favorite [Ozon: add to favorites]
instruction_variant - instruction option (int, default: 1). Get values: campaign/get_instruction_variants
- 1 - 将商品添加到您的收藏夹(心形图标 ♡),截取确认此操作的屏幕截图。
- 2 - 将商店/品牌的任何商品添加到您的收藏夹(心形图标 ♡),截取确认此操作的屏幕截图。
- 3 - 登录,将商店/品牌添加到您的收藏夹(心形图标 ♡),截取确认此操作的屏幕截图。
ozon_ask_question [Ozon: ask a question about the product]
- instruction - instructions (string)
comment_language - commentary language (string, default: all). Values:
- all - any
- 0 - russian
- 1 - english
- 2 - spanish
- 3 - portuguese
ozon_subscribe [Ozon: subscribe to shop]
- No additional parameters required
ozon_add_subscribe [Ozon: add product to favorites and to cart, subscribe to shop]
- No additional parameters required
wildberries_add_to_cart [Wildberries: add to cart]
instruction_variant - instruction option (int, default: 1). Get values: campaign/get_instruction_variants
- 1 - Add the product to your cart, take a screenshot confirming this action.
- 2 - Add any product from this store to the cart, take a screenshot confirming this action.
wildberries_add_to_favorite [Wildberries: add to favorites]
instruction_variant - instruction option (int, default: 1). Get values: campaign/get_instruction_variants
- 1 - Sign in, add the product to your favorites (heart icon ♡), take a screenshot confirming this action.
- 2 - Sign in, add any product of the shop/brand to your favorites (heart icon ♡), take a screenshot confirming this action.
- 3 - Sign in, add the brand to your favorites (heart icon ♡), take a screenshot confirming this action.
wildberries_ask_question [Wildberries: ask a question about the product]
- instruction - instructions (string)
comment_language - commentary language (string, default: all). Values:
- all - any
- 0 - russian
- 1 - english
- 2 - spanish
- 3 - portuguese
market_yandex_add_to_cart [Yandex Market: add to cart]
instruction_variant - instruction option (int, default: 1). Get values: campaign/get_instruction_variants
- 1 - Add the product to your cart, take a screenshot confirming this action.
- 2 - Add any product from this store to the cart, take a screenshot confirming this action.
market_yandex_add_to_favorite [Yandex Market: add to favorites]
instruction_variant - instruction option (int, default: 1). Get values: campaign/get_instruction_variants
- 1 - Add the product to your favorites (heart icon ♡), take a screenshot confirming this action.
- 2 - Add any product of the shop/brand to your favorites (heart icon ♡), take a screenshot confirming this action.
market_yandex_ask_question [Yandex Market: ask a question about the product]
- instruction - instructions (string)
comment_language - commentary language (string, default: all). Values:
- all - any
- 0 - russian
- 1 - english
- 2 - spanish
- 3 - portuguese
market_yandex_subscribe [Yandex Market: subscribe to shop]
- No additional parameters required
market_yandex_add_subscribe [Yandex Market: add product to favorites and to cart, subscribe to shop]
instruction_variant - instruction option (int, default: 1). Get values: campaign/get_instruction_variants
- 1 - Add the product to your favorites (heart icon ♡) and cart. Subscribe to the shop by clicking the "♡Подписаться" button. Take 2 screenshots: confirming adding to favorites and cart, and subscribing to the shop.
- 2 - Add any product of the shop to your favorites (heart icon ♡) and cart. Subscribe to the shop by clicking the "♡Подписаться" button. Take 2 screenshots: confirming adding to favorites and cart, and subscribing to the shop.
megamarket_add_to_cart [Megamarket: add to cart]
instruction_variant - instruction option (int, default: 1). Get values: campaign/get_instruction_variants
- 1 - Add the product to your cart (by clicking the "Купить" button), take a screenshot confirming this action.
- 2 - Add any product from this store to the cart (by clicking the "Купить" button), take a screenshot confirming this action.
megamarket_add_to_favorite [Megamarket: add to favorites]
instruction_variant - instruction option (int, default: 1). Get values: campaign/get_instruction_variants
- 1 - Add the product to your favorites (heart icon ♡), take a screenshot confirming this action.
- 2 - Add any product of the shop/brand to your favorites (heart icon ♡), take a screenshot confirming this action.
- 3 - Add the shop to your favorites (heart icon ♡), take a screenshot confirming this action.
megamarket_ask_question [Megamarket: ask a question about the product]
- instruction - instructions (string)
comment_language - commentary language (string, default: all). Values:
- all - any
- 0 - russian
- 1 - english
- 2 - spanish
- 3 - portuguese
install_android [Install and run the Android application]
- instruction - installation instructions (string, default: Install __ Android app, run it and make a screenshot)
- app_name - simplified instructions, application name. The value will be inserted into the standard instruction instead of − (string)
install_browser_plugin [Install browser plugin]
- instruction - installation instructions (string, default: Install plugin __ for browser __, run it and make a screenshot)
- app_name - simplified instructions, application name. The value will be inserted into the standard instruction instead of − (string)
install_android_review [Install and run the Android application, write a review in the app store]
- instruction - installation instructions (string, default: Install __ Android app, run it, make a screenshot, write a positive review on it in __ and make a screenshot)
- app_name - simplified instructions, application name. The value will be inserted into the standard instruction instead of − (string)
like_yandex [Dzen: 点赞]
instruction_variant - instruction option (int, default: 1). Get values: campaign/get_instruction_variants
- 1 - 点击帖子下方或左侧的"点赞"(大拇指图标),截图以确认您的点赞并确保您的Zen账户已上传头像
- 2 - 点赞(大拇指图标)频道中的任何文章,截图以确认您的点赞并确保您的Zen账户已上传头像
member_yandex [Dzen: 订阅]
- No additional parameters required
share_yandex [Dzen: 分享]
instruction_variant - instruction option (int, default: 1). Get values: campaign/get_instruction_variants
- 1 - 打开频道中的任何帖子,并在任意一个社交网络上分享(点击帖子下方的社交媒体图标或左侧的"分享"按钮。如果没有,请查看其他帖子),并截图以确认分享。
- 2 - 打开频道中的任何帖子,并在任意一个社交网络上分享(点击帖子下方的社交媒体图标或左侧的"分享"按钮。如果没有,请查看其他帖子),并截图以确认分享。
read_yandex [Dzen: 阅读完整文章]
instruction_variant - instruction option (int, default: 1). Get values: campaign/get_instruction_variants
- 1 - 完整阅读文章,在网站上停留至少40秒,滚动到文章末尾,并截图文章底部
- 2 - 打开频道上的任何文章并完整阅读,在网站上停留至少40秒,滚动到文章末尾,并截图文章底部
read_member_yandex [Dzen: 阅读完整文章 + 关注]
instruction_variant - instruction option (int, default: 1). Get values: campaign/get_instruction_variants
- 1 - 完整阅读文章,在网站上停留至少40秒,滚动到文章末尾,并截图文章底部;然后订阅频道,并拍摄第二张截图确认订阅
- 2 - 打开频道上的任意文章并完整阅读,在网站上停留至少40秒,滚动到文章末尾,并截图文章底部;然后订阅频道,并拍摄第二张截图确认订阅
- 3 - 订阅频道,完整阅读文章,在页面上停留至少40秒后,截图以确认阅读和订阅
read_like_yandex [Dzen: 阅读完整文章 + 点赞]
instruction_variant - instruction option (int, default: 1). Get values: campaign/get_instruction_variants
- 1 - 完整阅读文章,在网站上停留至少40秒,滚动到文章末尾;点击 点赞(文章下方或左侧的点赞图标),截图以确认您的操作
- 2 - 打开频道上的任何文章并完整阅读,在网站上停留至少40秒,滚动到文章末尾;点击 点赞(文章下方或左侧的点赞图标),截图以确认您的操作
read_like_share_yandex [Dzen: 阅读完整文章 + 点赞 + 分享]
instruction_variant - instruction option (int, default: 1). Get values: campaign/get_instruction_variants
- 1 - 完整阅读文章,在网站上停留至少40秒,滚动到文章末尾;点击点赞 (文章下方或左侧的点赞图标),截图;分享文章到您的任何社交网络,截图以确认分享
- 2 - 打开频道上的任何文章并完整阅读,在网站上停留至少40秒,滚动到文章末尾;点击 点赞(文章下方或左侧的点赞图标),截图;分享文章到您的任何社交网络,截图以确认分享
read_like_member_yandex [Dzen: 阅读完整文章 + 点赞 + 关注]
instruction_variant - instruction option (int, default: 1). Get values: campaign/get_instruction_variants
- 1 - 完整阅读文章,在网站上停留至少40秒,滚动到文章末尾;点击点赞 (文章下方或左侧的点赞图标),截图;然后 订阅频道,并拍摄第二张截图以确认订阅和头像的存在
- 2 - 打开频道上的任意文章并完整阅读,在网站上停留至少40秒,点击点赞 (文章下方或左侧的点赞图标),截图;订阅频道,确认订阅并确保您的账户已上传头像
- 3 - 订阅频道,阅读文章并点赞。在页面上停留至少40秒。截图以证明您的操作
video_member_yandex [Dzen: 观看视频 [2.5 分钟] + 关注]
instruction_variant - instruction option (int, default: 1). Get values: campaign/get_instruction_variants
- 1 - 观看视频(至少2分30秒);然后 订阅频道,截图以确认观看和订阅
- 2 - 打开频道中的任何视频并观看(至少2分30秒);订阅频道,截图以确认观看和订阅
- 3 - 订阅并观看视频。截图以显示您的观看和订阅
video_like_yandex [Dzen: 观看视频 [2.5 分钟] + 点赞]
instruction_variant - instruction option (int, default: 1). Get values: campaign/get_instruction_variants
- 1 - 观看视频(至少2分30秒);点击点赞(大拇指图标)在视频下方或左侧,截图以确认观看和点赞,截图以确认观看和点赞
- 2 - 打开频道上的任何视频并观看(至少2分30秒);点击点赞(大拇指图标)在视频下方或左侧,截图以确认观看和点赞
- 3 - 观看完整视频,点击点赞(大拇指图标)在视频下方或左侧 。截图以确认您的观看和点赞
video_like_share_yandex [Dzen: 观看视频 [2.5 分钟] + 点赞 + 分享]
instruction_variant - instruction option (int, default: 1). Get values: campaign/get_instruction_variants
- 1 - 观看视频(至少2分30秒);点击点赞(大拇指图标)在视频下方或左侧,截图以确认观看和点赞;分享视频到您的任何社交网络,截图以确认分享
- 2 - 打开频道上的任何视频并观看(至少2分30秒);然后点击 点赞(视频下方的点赞图标),截图以确认观看和点赞;分享视频到您的任何社交网络,截图以确认分享
video_like_member_yandex [Dzen: 观看视频 [2.5 分钟] + 点赞 + 订阅]
instruction_variant - instruction option (int, default: 1). Get values: campaign/get_instruction_variants
- 1 - 观看视频(至少2分30秒);点击点赞(大拇指图标)在视频下方或左侧,订阅频道。截图以确认观看、订阅和点赞
- 2 - 打开频道上的任意视频并观看(至少2分30秒);点击点赞(大拇指图标)在视频下方或左侧,订阅频道。截图以确认观看、订阅和点赞
- 3 - 完整观看视频,点击点赞(大拇指图标)并订阅频道。截图以确认观看、订阅和点赞
- 4 - 订阅频道,完整观看视频并点赞。截图以确认观看、订阅和点赞
comment_yandex [Dzen: 写评论]
- instruction - instructions for commenting (string, default: 在内容下留下一个 [[comment_type]] 评论(至少10个字符),如有必要,请订阅频道。评论必须是唯一的、符合主题的,不得无意义或不适当。截屏以支持您的评论。)
comments - list of comments for publication (json). List of keys for one comment:
- sex - gender (string, default: any). Values: any, male, female
- sub - subject (string, default: empty line)
- text - comment text (string)
comment_type - comment text (string, default: any). Values:
- any - any
- positive - positive
- negative - negative
comment_language - commentary language (string, default: all). Values:
- all - any
- 0 - russian
- 1 - english
- 2 - spanish
- 3 - portuguese
instruction_variant - instruction option (int, default: 1). Get values: campaign/get_instruction_variants
- 1 - 在内容下留下一个 [[comment_type]] 评论(至少10个字符),如有必要,请订阅频道。评论必须是唯一的、符合主题的,不得无意义或不适当。截屏以支持您的评论。
- 2 - 打开频道上的任何内容(文章或视频),撰写一个 [[comment_type]] 评论(至少10个字符),如有必要,请订阅频道。评论必须是唯一的、符合主题的,不得无意义或不适当。截屏以支持您的评论。
member_comment_yandex [Dzen: 订阅 + 写评论]
- instruction - instructions for commenting (string, default: 在帖子下留下一个 [[comment_type]] 评论,长度不少于 10 个字符,并订阅频道。评论必须是唯一的、与文章主题相关的,不得无意义或不适当。截图以证明您的操作。)
comments - list of comments for publication (json). List of keys for one comment:
- sex - gender (string, default: any). Values: any, male, female
- sub - subject (string, default: empty line)
- text - comment text (string)
comment_type - comment text (string, default: any). Values:
- any - any
- positive - positive
- negative - negative
comment_language - commentary language (string, default: all). Values:
- all - any
- 0 - russian
- 1 - english
- 2 - spanish
- 3 - portuguese
instruction_variant - instruction option (int, default: 1). Get values: campaign/get_instruction_variants
- 1 - 在帖子下留下一个 [[comment_type]] 评论,长度不少于 10 个字符,并订阅频道。评论必须是唯一的、与文章主题相关的,不得无意义或不适当。截图以证明您的操作。
- 2 - 打开频道上的任何帖子,留下一个 [[comment_type]] 评论,长度不少于 10 个字符,并订阅频道。评论必须是唯一的、与文章主题相关的,不得无意义或不适当。截图以证明您的操作。
video_yandex_efir [Dzen: 观看视频 [2.5 分钟]]
instruction_variant - instruction option (int, default: 1). Get values: campaign/get_instruction_variants
- 1 - 观看视频(至少 2 分 30 秒),截图以确认您的操作
- 2 - 打开频道上的任何视频并观看(至少 2 分 30 秒),截图以确认您的操作
- 3 - 完整观看视频,截图以确认您的操作
like_music_yandex [Yandex Music: 点赞]
instruction_variant - instruction option (int, default: 1). Get values: campaign/get_instruction_variants
- 1 - 通过点击"收听"旁边的点赞(心形)按钮来喜欢该艺术家(不要点击曲目上的按钮),并截图以确认您在艺术家页面上的点赞。
- 2 - 在屏幕底部或曲目名称旁点一个点赞(心形)(不要靠近"收听"按钮!),并截图以确认您对曲目的点赞。
- 3 - 在"收听"按钮旁给专辑点一个点赞(心形)(不要点曲目!),并截图以确认您对专辑的点赞。
- 4 - 在"收听"按钮旁给播放列表点一个点赞(心形)(不要点曲目),并截图以确认您对播放列表的点赞。
listen_music_yandex [Yandex Music: 收听曲目]
instruction_variant - instruction option (int, default: 1). Get values: campaign/get_instruction_variants
- 1 - 请点击“Play ▶️”按钮并收听该曲目 40 秒。请截图以确认您已收听。
- 2 - 点击“Play ▶️”按钮,聆听该艺术家的任意曲目 40 秒。请截图以确认您已收听。
like_pinterest [Pinterest: 赞]
- No additional parameters required
member_pinterest [Pinterest: subscribe to user]
- No additional parameters required
share_pinterest [Pinterest: share link (save pin)]
instruction_variant - instruction option (int, default: 1). Get values: campaign/get_instruction_variants
- 1 - 点击网站上的 Pinterest 图标,将任何图钉保存到您账户的图板上,截图以确认图钉已保存
- 2 - 点击"保存"按钮,将"图钉"保存到您账户的图板上,截图以确认图钉已保存
video_twitch [Watch video/broadcast [5 minutes]]
video_15min [Watch video/broadcast [15 minutes]]
instruction_variant - instruction option (int, default: 1). Get values: campaign/get_instruction_variants
- 1 - Watch video for at least 15 minutes, take screenshots at the beginning and at the end of viewing
- 2 - Watch the broadcast for at least 15 minutes, take screenshots at the beginning and at the end of viewing
video_vimeo [Watch video/broadcast [2.5 minutes]]
instruction_variant - instruction option (int, default: 1). Get values: campaign/get_instruction_variants
- 1 - Watch the video for 2 minutes 30 seconds, take a screenshot to confirm your viewing
- 2 - Watch the broadcast for at least 2 minutes 30 seconds, make a screenshot confirming your action
- 3 - Watch any video on the page for 2 minutes 30 seconds, send a screenshot confirming watching
- 4 - Watch the video, take a screenshot to confirm your viewing
like_twitter [点赞]
instruction_variant - instruction option (int, default: 1). Get values: campaign/get_instruction_variants
- 1 - 点击喜欢(心形图标),并截图以确认您的操作.
- 2 - 点击此账户中任意推文的喜欢(心形图标),并截图以确认您的操作.
member_twitter [关注者]
- No additional parameters required
member_community_twitter [加入社区]
- No additional parameters required
share_twitter [转推]
share_site_twitter [分享链接]
- No additional parameters required
comment_twitter [评论推文]
- instruction - instructions for commenting (string, default: 在帖子中留下[[comment_type]]唯一评论,截图以确认您的评论.)
comments - list of comments for publication (json). List of keys for one comment:
- sex - gender (string, default: any). Values: any, male, female
- sub - subject (string, default: empty line)
- text - comment text (string)
comment_type - comment text (string, default: any). Values:
- any - any
- positive - positive
- negative - negative
comment_language - commentary language (string, default: all). Values:
- all - any
- 0 - russian
- 1 - english
- 2 - spanish
- 3 - portuguese
instruction_variant - instruction option (int, default: 1). Get values: campaign/get_instruction_variants
- 1 - 在帖子中留下[[comment_type]]唯一评论,截图以确认您的评论.
- 2 - 在任何相关频道的帖子中留下[[comment_type]]唯一评论(回复/添加另一条帖子),截图以确认您的评论.
member_vkvideo [VK Video: 订阅/关注]
- No additional parameters required
social_video_youtube [YouTube: 观看视频 [2.5 分钟]]
- No additional parameters required
social_video_5_youtube [YouTube: 观看视频 [5 分钟]]
- No additional parameters required
- paid_se_youtube [YouTube: 提高视频点击率]
simplified version (one key phrase)
- keyword - search key phrase (string)
- actions - number of actions per period (int, default: 1000)
extended version (several key phrases)
keywords - if not specified keyword, list of key phrases (json). List of keys for one key phrase (up to 100 elements):
- keyword - search key phrase (string)
- actions - number of actions per period (int, default: 1000)
Each keyword will have its own campaign ID. All keywords will be grouped into one campaign by the parent campaign ID.
- paid_se_youtube_5 [YouTube: 提高视频点击率 [5+ 分钟]]
simplified version (one key phrase)
- keyword - search key phrase (string)
- actions - number of actions per period (int, default: 1000)
extended version (several key phrases)
keywords - if not specified keyword, list of key phrases (json). List of keys for one key phrase (up to 100 elements):
- keyword - search key phrase (string)
- actions - number of actions per period (int, default: 1000)
Each keyword will have its own campaign ID. All keywords will be grouped into one campaign by the parent campaign ID.
member_youtube [YouTube: 订阅频道]
- No additional parameters required
member_search_youtube [YouTube: 订阅频道(通过搜索)]
- instruction - instructions (string)
like_youtube [YouTube: 点赞视频]
instruction_variant - instruction option (int, default: 1). Get values: campaign/get_instruction_variants
- 1 - 观看视频15秒,然后点击点赞(大拇指向上),并截图.
- 2 - 观看频道中的任意视频15秒,然后点击点赞(大拇指向上),并截图.
- 3 - 观看YouTube Shorts,点击我喜欢(大拇指向上),截图显示正在播放的视频和点赞.
dislike_youtube [YouTube: 不喜欢视频]
instruction_variant - instruction option (int, default: 1). Get values: campaign/get_instruction_variants
- 1 - 观看视频15秒,然后点击不喜欢(大拇指向下),并截图.
- 2 - 观看频道中的任意视频15秒,然后点击不喜欢(大拇指向下),并截图.
like_comment_youtube [YouTube: 点赞评论]
- instruction - instructions for commenting (string, default: 点击点赞评论(大拇指向上)(在“置顶评论”标题下),截图.)
comments - list of comments for publication (json). List of keys for one comment:
- sex - gender (string, default: any). Values: any, male, female
- sub - subject (string, default: empty line)
- text - comment text (string)
comment_type - comment text (string, default: any). Values:
- any - any
- positive - positive
- negative - negative
complaint_youtube [YouTube: 举报视频]
- instruction - voting instructions (string, default: 观看视频(至少2分30秒),点击下方的 ...,然后点击“举报”,选择 __,选择任意时间并写下评论,点击提交。截图以确认投诉已提交。)
- reason - simplified instructions, reason for complaint. The value will be inserted into the standard instruction instead of − (string)
comment_language - commentary language (string, default: all). Values:
- all - any
- 0 - russian
- 1 - english
- 2 - spanish
- 3 - portuguese
share_youtube [YouTube: 分享视频]
instruction_variant - instruction option (int, default: 1). Get values: campaign/get_instruction_variants
- 1 - 将视频分享到您的任何社交网络,并截图以确认转发.
- 2 - 打开频道中的任意视频,将其分享到您的任何社交网络,并截图以确认转发.
save_youtube [YouTube: 将视频保存到播放列表]
instruction_variant - instruction option (int, default: 1). Get values: campaign/get_instruction_variants
- 1 - 将视频保存到您的任意播放列表,并截图以确认保存.
- 2 - 将频道中的任意视频保存到您的播放列表(点击...并选择“保存”,保存到“稍后观看”或其他播放列表)。截图以确认您已保存视频
comment_youtube [YouTube: 视频评论]
- instruction - instructions for commenting (string, default: 在视频下留下[[comment_type]]评论。评论必须是唯一的,至少包含10个字符,与视频主题相关并且适当。截图以确认您的评论。)
comments - list of comments for publication (json). List of keys for one comment:
- sex - gender (string, default: any). Values: any, male, female
- sub - subject (string, default: empty line)
- text - comment text (string)
comment_type - comment text (string, default: any). Values:
- any - any
- positive - positive
- negative - negative
comment_language - commentary language (string, default: all). Values:
- all - any
- 0 - russian
- 1 - english
- 2 - spanish
- 3 - portuguese
instruction_variant - instruction option (int, default: 1). Get values: campaign/get_instruction_variants
- 1 - 在视频下留下[[comment_type]]评论。评论必须是唯一的,至少包含10个字符,与视频主题相关并且适当。截图以确认您的评论。
- 2 - 在频道的任何视频下写一个[[comment_type]]评论。评论必须至少10个字符长,独特且与视频主题相关,不能无意义或不适当。截图以确认您的评论。
complex_1_youtube [YouTube:观看视频,点赞]
- rejection - % likelihood of next action for a more natural metric (int, default: 10)
instruction_variant - instruction option (int, default: 1). Get values: campaign/get_instruction_variants
- 1 - 观看(至少2分30秒)并点击点赞视频(大拇指向上),截图以确认观看和点赞.
- 2 - 观看(至少2分30秒)并点击点赞此频道上的任意视频(大拇指向上),截图以确认观看和点赞.
- 3 - 完整观看视频,点击"我喜欢"(大拇指向上)。截图以确认观看和点赞。
complex_4_youtube [YouTube:观看视频,不喜欢]
- rejection - % likelihood of next action for a more natural metric (int, default: 10)
instruction_variant - instruction option (int, default: 1). Get values: campaign/get_instruction_variants
- 1 - 观看(至少2分30秒)并点击不喜欢视频(大拇指向下),截图以确认观看和不喜欢.
- 2 - 观看(至少2分30秒)并点击不喜欢此频道上的任意视频(大拇指向下),截图以确认观看和不喜欢.
complex_2_youtube [YouTube:观看视频,点赞,订阅频道]
- rejection - % likelihood of next action for a more natural metric (int, default: 10)
instruction_variant - instruction option (int, default: 1). Get values: campaign/get_instruction_variants
- 1 - 观看(至少2分30秒),点击点赞视频(大拇指向上),订阅频道,截图以确认观看、点赞和订阅.
- 2 - 观看(至少2分30秒),点击点赞此频道上的任意视频(大拇指向上),订阅频道,截图以确认观看、点赞和订阅.
complex_3_youtube [YouTube:观看视频,点赞,订阅,评论]
- rejection - % likelihood of next action for a more natural metric (int, default: 10)
comment_language - commentary language (string, default: all). Values:
- all - any
- 0 - russian
- 1 - english
- 2 - spanish
- 3 - portuguese
instruction_variant - instruction option (int, default: 1). Get values: campaign/get_instruction_variants
- 1 - 观看(至少2分30秒),点击点赞视频,订阅频道,截图以确认观看、点赞和订阅;然后写一个独特的[[comment_type]]评论(至少10个字符),专注于视频主题,截图以确认您的评论.
- 2 - 观看(至少2分30秒),点击点赞此频道上的任意视频(大拇指向上),订阅频道,截图以确认观看、点赞和订阅;然后写一个独特的[[comment_type]]评论(至少10个字符),专注于视频主题,截图以确认您的评论.
complex_5_youtube [YouTube:观看视频,点赞,分享]
- rejection - % likelihood of next action for a more natural metric (int, default: 10)
instruction_variant - instruction option (int, default: 1). Get values: campaign/get_instruction_variants
- 1 - 观看(至少2分30秒)并点击点赞视频(大拇指向上),将视频分享到您的任意社交网络。截图两张:一张确认观看和点赞,另一张确认在社交网络上的分享。
- 2 - 观看(至少2分30秒)并点击点赞此频道上的任意视频(大拇指向上),将视频分享到您的任意社交网络。截图两张:一张确认观看和点赞,另一张确认在社交网络上的分享。
- 3 - 完整观看视频,点击点赞(大拇指向上),将视频分享到您的任意社交网络。截图两张:一张确认观看和点赞,另一张确认在社交网络上的分享。
complex_6_youtube [YouTube:观看视频,点赞,订阅,分享]
- rejection - % likelihood of next action for a more natural metric (int, default: 10)
instruction_variant - instruction option (int, default: 1). Get values: campaign/get_instruction_variants
- 1 - 观看(至少2分30秒),点击点赞视频(大拇指向上),订阅频道,并将视频分享到您的任意社交网络。截图两张:一张确认观看、点赞和订阅,另一张确认社交媒体上的分享。
- 2 - 观看(至少2分30秒),点击点赞此频道上的任意视频(大拇指向上),订阅频道,并将视频分享到您的任意社交网络。截图两张:一张确认观看、点赞和订阅,另一张确认社交媒体上的分享。
like_facebook [Facebook: 点赞/关注页面]
- No additional parameters required
like_post_facebook [Facebook: 点赞]
instruction_variant - instruction option (int, default: 1). Get values: campaign/get_instruction_variants
- 1 - 点击这篇帖子上的 点赞,并截图以确认你的操作.
- 2 - 点击此社区中任何帖子上的 点赞,并截图以确认你的操作
like_emoji_facebook [Facebook: 发表表情]
- instruction - instructions (string)
share_facebook [Facebook: 分享]
instruction_variant - instruction option (int, default: 1). Get values: campaign/get_instruction_variants
- 1 - 点击 分享 (选择 "公开"),并截图以确认你的操作.
- 2 - 点击此社区中任何帖子上的 分享 (选择 "公开"),并截图以确认你的操作.
share_site_facebook [Facebook: 分享链接]
- No additional parameters required
comment_facebook [Facebook: 发表评论]
- instruction - instructions for commenting (string, default: 在帖子下留下[[comment_type]]评论。评论必须是唯一的,包含至少10个字符,与帖子主题相关并且适当。截图以确认你的操作.)
comments - list of comments for publication (json). List of keys for one comment:
- sex - gender (string, default: any). Values: any, male, female
- sub - subject (string, default: empty line)
- text - comment text (string)
comment_type - comment text (string, default: any). Values:
- any - any
- positive - positive
- negative - negative
comment_language - commentary language (string, default: all). Values:
- all - any
- 0 - russian
- 1 - english
- 2 - spanish
- 3 - portuguese
instruction_variant - instruction option (int, default: 1). Get values: campaign/get_instruction_variants
- 1 - 在帖子下留下[[comment_type]]评论。评论必须是唯一的,包含至少10个字符,与帖子主题相关并且适当。截图以确认你的操作.
- 2 - 在任何帖子下留下[[comment_type]]评论,长度不少于10个字符。评论必须是唯一的、与发布内容/频道相关,并且不得无意义或不适当。截图以确认你的评论。
member_facebook [Facebook: 加入群组]
- No additional parameters required
complex_1_facebook [Facebook: 点赞,加入群组]
- rejection - % likelihood of next action for a more natural metric (int, default: 10)
instruction_variant - instruction option (int, default: 1). Get values: campaign/get_instruction_variants
- 1 - 点赞这篇帖子,并截图以确认你的操作。加入群组,并截图以确认你的操作.
- 2 - 在该社区的任何帖子上按 点赞,并截图以确认你的操作。加入群组,并截图以确认你的操作.
like_instagram [Instagram:点赞]
instruction_variant - instruction option (int, default: 1). Get values: campaign/get_instruction_variants
- 1 - 点击赞(心形图标 ♡),然后截图以确认您的操作。
- 2 - 在此账号的任意帖子上点击赞(心形图标 ♡),然后截图以确认您的操作。
member_instagram [Instagram:关注用户]
- No additional parameters required
comment_instagram [Instagram:评论帖子]
- instruction - instructions for commenting (string, default: 在帖子下留下一个[[comment_type]]评论。评论必须独特,至少包含10个字符,符合帖子主题并且合适。然后截屏以确认您的操作。)
comments - list of comments for publication (json). List of keys for one comment:
- sex - gender (string, default: any). Values: any, male, female
- sub - subject (string, default: empty line)
- text - comment text (string)
comment_type - comment text (string, default: any). Values:
- any - any
- positive - positive
- negative - negative
comment_language - commentary language (string, default: all). Values:
- all - any
- 0 - russian
- 1 - english
- 2 - spanish
- 3 - portuguese
instruction_variant - instruction option (int, default: 1). Get values: campaign/get_instruction_variants
- 1 - 在帖子下留下一个[[comment_type]]评论。评论必须独特,至少包含10个字符,符合帖子主题并且合适。然后截屏以确认您的操作。
- 2 - 在任意个人主页帖子下留下一个[[comment_type]]评论,长度至少10个字符。评论必须独特、与帖子主题相关,并且不得无意义或不恰当。然后截屏以确认您的评论。
favorite_instagram [Instagram:保存帖子]
instruction_variant - instruction option (int, default: 1). Get values: campaign/get_instruction_variants
- 1 - 点击帖子下方右侧的旗帜/书签图标,然后截屏以确认您的操作。
- 2 - 在本账号任意帖子下方右侧点击旗帜/书签图标,然后截屏以确认您的操作。
view_stories_instagram [Instagram:观看快拍]
like_stories_instagram [Instagram:回复快拍]
- No additional parameters required
share_stories_instagram [Instagram:分享到快拍]
instruction_variant - instruction option (int, default: 1). Get values: campaign/get_instruction_variants
- 1 - 在 Instagram 应用中,点击帖子下方的飞机图标,选择 "将帖子添加到你的限时动态",然后点击 "发送到"。点击 "在你的限时动态旁分享",再点击 "完成",并为你限时动态中的帖子截图。
- 2 - 在 Instagram 应用中,点击此账号任意帖子下方的飞机图标,选择 "将帖子添加到你的限时动态",然后点击 "发送到"。点击 "在你的限时动态旁分享",再点击 "完成",并为你限时动态中的帖子截图。
member_linkedin [LinkedIn:订阅频道或用户]
- No additional parameters required
like_linkedin [LinkedIn:点赞]
instruction_variant - instruction option (int, default: 1). Get values: campaign/get_instruction_variants
- 1 - 点击赞,然后截屏以确认您的操作。
- 2 - 在此账号的任意帖子上点击赞,然后截屏以确认您的操作。
like_reaction_linkedin [LinkedIn:对帖子做出反应]
instruction_variant - instruction option (int, default: 1). Get values: campaign/get_instruction_variants
- 1 - 长按"👍赞",然后从下拉列表中选择"👏庆祝"。接着截屏以确认您的反应。
- 2 - 长按"👍赞",然后从下拉列表中选择"🫴支持"。接着截屏以确认您的反应。
- 3 - 长按"👍赞",然后从下拉列表中选择“❤️喜欢”。接着截屏以确认您的反应。
- 4 - 长按"👍赞",然后从下拉列表中选择“💡洞察”。接着截屏以确认您的反应。
- 5 - 长按"👍赞",然后从下拉列表中选择"😁有趣"。接着截屏以确认您的反应。
- 6 - 长按"👍赞",然后从下拉列表中选择任意反应。接着截屏以确认您的反应。
like_comment_linkedin [LinkedIn:点赞评论]
- instruction - instructions for commenting (string, default: 对评论"comment__text"点"赞",然后提交截图以确认此操作。)
comments - list of comments for publication (json). List of keys for one comment:
- sex - gender (string, default: any). Values: any, male, female
- sub - subject (string, default: empty line)
- text - comment text (string)
comment_type - comment text (string, default: any). Values:
- any - any
- positive - positive
- negative - negative
friends_linkedin [LinkedIn:连接]
- No additional parameters required
comment_linkedin [LinkedIn:评论帖子]
- instruction - instructions for commenting (string, default: 在帖子中留下一个[[comment_type]]评论。评论必须是唯一的,至少包含10个字符,符合帖子主题并合宜。然后截屏以确认您的操作。)
comments - list of comments for publication (json). List of keys for one comment:
- sex - gender (string, default: any). Values: any, male, female
- sub - subject (string, default: empty line)
- text - comment text (string)
comment_type - comment text (string, default: any). Values:
- any - any
- positive - positive
- negative - negative
comment_language - commentary language (string, default: all). Values:
- all - any
- 0 - russian
- 1 - english
- 2 - spanish
- 3 - portuguese
instruction_variant - instruction option (int, default: 1). Get values: campaign/get_instruction_variants
- 1 - 在帖子中留下一个[[comment_type]]评论。评论必须是唯一的,至少包含10个字符,符合帖子主题并合宜。然后截屏以确认您的操作。
- 2 - 在该账号的任意帖子下留下一个[[comment_type]]评论。评论必须是唯一的,至少包含10个字符,符合帖子主题并合宜。然后截屏以确认您的操作。
share_linkedin [LinkedIn:分享(转发)]
instruction_variant - instruction option (int, default: 1). Get values: campaign/get_instruction_variants
- 1 - 点击"转发"(🔁),然后截屏以确认您的操作。
- 2 - 在本账号任意帖子下点击"转发"(🔁),然后截屏以确认您的操作。
member_snapchat [Snapchat:添加用户]
- No additional parameters required
like_snapchat [Snapchat:点赞视频]
instruction_variant - instruction option (int, default: 1). Get values: campaign/get_instruction_variants
- 1 - 点击点赞(心形图标),截图以确认您的操作(在Snapchat应用或您的账户中).
- 2 - 在账户中的任何视频上点击点赞(心形图标),截图以确认您的操作(在Snapchat应用或您的账户中).
member_kickcom [关注频道]
- No additional parameters required
member_twitch [Twitch:关注频道]
- No additional parameters required
member_discord [Discord:订阅服务器]
- No additional parameters required
member_fulfill_discord [Discord:订阅服务器 + 满足所有条件]
- instruction - instructions (string)
member_github [Github:订阅用户]
- No additional parameters required
like_github [Github:给予星标 / 评分项目]
- No additional parameters required
share_github [Github:派生存储库]
- No additional parameters required
member_quora [Quora:关注个人资料]
- No additional parameters required
like_quora [Quora:为帖子/问题投票]
instruction_variant - instruction option (int, default: 1). Get values: campaign/get_instruction_variants
- 1 - 点击帖子下方的Upvote(上箭头),截图以确认您的投票。
- 2 - 点击个人资料中任何帖子下方的Upvote(上箭头),截图以确认您的投票。
like_answer_quora [Quora:为回答投票]
- instruction - instructions (string)
member_reddit [Reddit:加入子版块]
instruction_variant - instruction option (int, default: 1). Get values: campaign/get_instruction_variants
- 1 - 点击Join,截图以确认您已订阅该子论坛。
- 2 - 点击Follow,截图以确认您已订阅该用户。
like_reddit [Reddit:为帖子点赞]
instruction_variant - instruction option (int, default: 1). Get values: campaign/get_instruction_variants
- 1 - 点击帖子下方的Upvote(上箭头),截图以确认您的投票。
- 2 - 点击个人资料中任何帖子下方的Upvote(上箭头),截图以确认您的投票。
like_answer_reddit [Reddit:为评论点赞]
- instruction - instructions (string)
member_soundcloud [Soundcloud:关注艺术家]
- No additional parameters required
like_soundcloud [Soundcloud:点赞]
instruction_variant - instruction option (int, default: 1). Get values: campaign/get_instruction_variants
- 1 - 点击 Like(心形),截图以确认对歌曲的点赞。
- 2 - 点击 Like(心形),截图以确认对专辑的点赞。
- 3 - 点击 Like(心形),截图以确认对播放列表的点赞。
listen_soundcloud [Soundcloud: 收听曲目]
instruction_variant - instruction option (int, default: 1). Get values: campaign/get_instruction_variants
- 1 - 请点击“Play ▶️”按钮并收听该曲目 40 秒。请截图以确认您已收听。
- 2 - 点击“Play ▶️”按钮,聆听该艺术家的任意曲目 40 秒。请截图以确认您已收听。
member_spotify [Spotify: follow artist]
- No additional parameters required
like_spotify [Spotify: 点赞]
instruction_variant - instruction option (int, default: 1). Get values: campaign/get_instruction_variants
- 1 - 点击“➕”或“❤️”图标,将歌曲添加到您的音乐库,并截图作为证明。
- 2 - 点击“➕”或“❤️”图标,将专辑添加到您的音乐库,并截图作为证明。
- 3 - 点击“➕”或“❤️”图标,将播放列表添加到您的音乐库,并截图作为证明。
listen_spotify [Spotify: 收听曲目]
instruction_variant - instruction option (int, default: 1). Get values: campaign/get_instruction_variants
- 1 - 请点击“Play ▶️”按钮并收听该曲目 40 秒。请截图以确认您已收听。
- 2 - 点击“Play ▶️”按钮,聆听该艺术家的任意曲目 40 秒。请截图以确认您已收听。
member_medium [Medium: 订阅]
- No additional parameters required
like_medium [Medium: 点赞]
- No additional parameters required
member_rutube [RUTUBE: 订阅频道]
- No additional parameters required
like_rutube [RUTUBE: 点赞视频]
instruction_variant - instruction option (int, default: 1). Get values: campaign/get_instruction_variants
- 1 - Watch the video for 15 seconds, then click "👍" (like) below the video. Take a screenshot confirming this action.
- 2 - Watch any video on the channel for 15 seconds, then click "👍" (like) under the video. Take a screenshot confirming this action.
- 3 - Watch RUTUBE Shorts, click "I liked" (thumbs up), take a screenshot where you can see the running video and like.
dislike_rutube [RUTUBE: 不喜欢视频]
instruction_variant - instruction option (int, default: 1). Get values: campaign/get_instruction_variants
- 1 - Watch the video for 15 seconds, then click "👎" (dislike) below the video. Take a screenshot confirming this action.
- 2 - Watch any video on the channel for 15 seconds, then click "👎" (dislike) under the video. Take a screenshot confirming this action.
like_top_rutube [RUTUBE: 点击视频下方的"置顶"]
instruction_variant - instruction option (int, default: 1). Get values: campaign/get_instruction_variants
- 1 - 观看视频 15 秒,然后点击视频下方的“🚀 В топ”,截取屏幕截图.
- 2 - 观看频道上的任意视频 15 秒,然后点击视频下方的“🚀 В топ”,截取屏幕截图.
share_rutube [RUTUBE: 分享视频]
instruction_variant - instruction option (int, default: 1). Get values: campaign/get_instruction_variants
- 1 - Share the video in any of your soc. networks, make a screenshot confirming the repost.
- 2 - Open any video on the channel and share it in any of your social networks, make a screenshot confirming the repost.
video_rutube [RUTUBE: 观看视频 [2.5 分钟]]
instruction_variant - instruction option (int, default: 1). Get values: campaign/get_instruction_variants
- 1 - Watch (at least 2 minutes 30 seconds), take a screenshot confirming viewing
- 2 - Watch any video on the channel (at least 2 minutes 30 seconds), take a screenshot to confirm watching
- 3 - Watch the video in full. Take a screenshot to confirm your view.
video_5_rutube [RUTUBE: 观看视频 [5 分钟]]
instruction_variant - instruction option (int, default: 1). Get values: campaign/get_instruction_variants
- 1 - Watch (at least 5 minutes), take a screenshot confirming viewing
- 2 - Watch any video on the channel (at least 5 minutes), take a screenshot to confirm watching
- 3 - Watch the video in full. Take a screenshot to confirm your view.
comment_rutube [RUTUBE: 视频评论]
- instruction - instructions for commenting (string, default: Leave a [[comment_type]]comment to the video. The comment must be unique and contain at least 10 symbols, be appropriate for the video theme and also be adequate, make a screenshot confirming your comment.)
comments - list of comments for publication (json). List of keys for one comment:
- sex - gender (string, default: any). Values: any, male, female
- sub - subject (string, default: empty line)
- text - comment text (string)
comment_type - comment text (string, default: any). Values:
- any - any
- positive - positive
- negative - negative
comment_language - commentary language (string, default: all). Values:
- all - any
- 0 - russian
- 1 - english
- 2 - spanish
- 3 - portuguese
instruction_variant - instruction option (int, default: 1). Get values: campaign/get_instruction_variants
- 1 - Leave a [[comment_type]]comment to the video. The comment must be unique and contain at least 10 symbols, be appropriate for the video theme and also be adequate, make a screenshot confirming your comment.
- 2 - Write a [[comment_type]] comment to any video on the channel. The comment must be at least 10 characters long. It must be unique and relevant to the topic of the video, the comment must not be meaningless or inadequate. Take a screenshot confirming your comment.
complex_2_rutube [RUTUBE: 观看视频,点赞,订阅频道]
- rejection - % likelihood of next action for a more natural metric (int, default: 10)
instruction_variant - instruction option (int, default: 1). Get values: campaign/get_instruction_variants
- 1 - Watch the video (at least 2 minutes 30 seconds), then click "👍" (like) below the video, subscribe [button "Подписаться"] to the channel, take a screenshot confirming viewing, like and subscribing.
- 2 - Watch any video on the channel (at least 2 minutes 30 seconds), then click "👍" (like) under the video, subscribe [button "Подписаться"] to the channel, take a screenshot confirming viewing, like and subscribing.
complex_3_rutube [RUTUBE: 观看视频 [5 分钟],点赞,订阅频道]
- rejection - % likelihood of next action for a more natural metric (int, default: 10)
instruction_variant - instruction option (int, default: 1). Get values: campaign/get_instruction_variants
- 1 - Watch the video (at least 5 minutes), then click "👍" (like) below the video, subscribe [button "Подписаться"] to the channel, take a screenshot confirming viewing, like and subscribing.
- 2 - Watch any video on the channel (at least 5 minutes), then click "👍" (like) below the video, subscribe [button "Подписаться"] to the channel, take a screenshot confirming viewing, like and subscribing.
save_rutube [RUTUBE: 稍后观看]
instruction_variant - instruction option (int, default: 1). Get values: campaign/get_instruction_variants
- 1 - 观看视频 15 秒后,点击视频下方的“稍后观看”("Смотреть позже")按钮,然后截图。
- 2 - 观看频道中的任何视频 15 秒,然后点击视频下方的“稍后观看”("Смотреть позже")按钮。请截图以确认此操作。
voting_registration_moderation [Vote (registration and moderator approval required)]
- instruction - voting instructions (string, default: )
- vote_for - simplified instructions. The value will be inserted into the standard instruction instead of − (string)
comment_after_order [Place an order, write a review (no purchase)]
- instruction - instructions for commenting (string, default: )
comments - list of comments for publication (json). List of keys for one comment:
- sex - gender (string, default: any). Values: any, male, female
- sub - subject (string, default: empty line)
- text - comment text (string)
comment_type - comment text (string, default: any). Values:
- any - any
- positive - positive
- negative - negative
comment_language - commentary language (string, default: all). Values:
- all - any
- 0 - russian
- 1 - english
- 2 - spanish
- 3 - portuguese
comment_big [Big review/comment]
- instruction - instructions for commenting (string, default: )
comments - list of comments for publication (json). List of keys for one comment:
- sex - gender (string, default: any). Values: any, male, female
- sub - subject (string, default: empty line)
- text - comment text (string)
comment_type - comment text (string, default: any). Values:
- any - any
- positive - positive
- negative - negative
comment_language - commentary language (string, default: all). Values:
- all - any
- 0 - russian
- 1 - english
- 2 - spanish
- 3 - portuguese
comment_medium [Review/comment]
- instruction - instructions for commenting (string, default: )
comments - list of comments for publication (json). List of keys for one comment:
- sex - gender (string, default: any). Values: any, male, female
- sub - subject (string, default: empty line)
- text - comment text (string)
comment_type - comment text (string, default: any). Values:
- any - any
- positive - positive
- negative - negative
comment_language - commentary language (string, default: all). Values:
- all - any
- 0 - russian
- 1 - english
- 2 - spanish
- 3 - portuguese
comment_avito [Avito: write a review about the seller (rate 5 stars)]
- instruction - instructions for commenting (string, default: )
comments - list of comments for publication (json). List of keys for one comment:
- sex - gender (string, default: any). Values: any, male, female
- sub - subject (string, default: empty line)
- text - comment text (string)
comment_type - comment text (string, default: any). Values:
- any - any
- positive - positive
- negative - negative
comment_language - commentary language (string, default: all). Values:
- all - any
- 0 - russian
- 1 - english
- 2 - spanish
- 3 - portuguese
comment_maps_yandex [Yandex.Maps: write a review]
- instruction - instructions for commenting (string, default: )
comments - list of comments for publication (json). List of keys for one comment:
- sex - gender (string, default: any). Values: any, male, female
- sub - subject (string, default: empty line)
- text - comment text (string)
comment_type - comment text (string, default: any). Values:
- any - any
- positive - positive
- negative - negative
comment_language - commentary language (string, default: all). Values:
- all - any
- 0 - russian
- 1 - english
- 2 - spanish
- 3 - portuguese
comment_maps_google [Google Maps: write a review]
- instruction - instructions for commenting (string, default: )
comments - list of comments for publication (json). List of keys for one comment:
- sex - gender (string, default: any). Values: any, male, female
- sub - subject (string, default: empty line)
- text - comment text (string)
comment_type - comment text (string, default: any). Values:
- any - any
- positive - positive
- negative - negative
comment_language - commentary language (string, default: all). Values:
- all - any
- 0 - russian
- 1 - english
- 2 - spanish
- 3 - portuguese
comment_2gis [2GIS: write a review]
- instruction - instructions for commenting (string, default: )
comments - list of comments for publication (json). List of keys for one comment:
- sex - gender (string, default: any). Values: any, male, female
- sub - subject (string, default: empty line)
- text - comment text (string)
comment_type - comment text (string, default: any). Values:
- any - any
- positive - positive
- negative - negative
comment_language - commentary language (string, default: all). Values:
- all - any
- 0 - russian
- 1 - english
- 2 - spanish
- 3 - portuguese
purchase_50 [Purchase of up to 50 ₽]
- instruction - instructions (string)
purchase_70 [Purchase of up to 70 ₽]
- instruction - instructions (string)
purchase_80 [Purchase of up to 80 ₽]
- instruction - instructions (string)
purchase_100 [Purchase of up to 100 ₽]
- instruction - instructions (string)
purchase_300 [Purchase of up to 300 ₽]
- instruction - instructions (string)
purchase_500 [Purchase of up to 500 ₽]
- instruction - instructions (string)
registration_documents [Registration with verification of identity (uploading documents)]
- instruction - instructions for registration (string, default: )
- target_site - simplified instructions, site name. The value will be inserted into the standard instruction instead of − (string)
account_and_credentials [Register an account + send username/password]
- instruction - instructions (string)
biometric_verification [Pass biometric verification (without uploading documents)]
- instruction - instructions (string)
phone_consultation [Phone call + consultation]
- instruction - instructions (string)
install_and_play [Install the game + play [up to 30 minutes]]
- instruction - installation instructions (string, default: )
- app_name - simplified instructions, application name. The value will be inserted into the standard instruction instead of − (string)
install_and_register_and_data [Install the application + register + send data]
- instruction - installation instructions (string, default: )
- app_name - simplified instructions, application name. The value will be inserted into the standard instruction instead of − (string)
install_and_sign_for_trial [Install the application + subscribe to the trial [at least 1 week]]
- instruction - installation instructions (string, default: )
- app_name - simplified instructions, application name. The value will be inserted into the standard instruction instead of − (string)
order_bankcard [Get a bank card]
- instruction - instructions (string)
registration_and_sign_for_trial [Registration + subscribe to the trial [at least 1 week]]
- instruction - instructions for registration (string, default: )
- target_site - simplified instructions, site name. The value will be inserted into the standard instruction instead of − (string)
share_soc_and_link [Share on any social network + send link]
- instruction - instructions (string)
webinar_30min [Participation in the online meeting [up to 30 minutes]]
- instruction - instructions (string)
advert_post_in_social [Publish your ad post on social media (in active account/community)]
- instruction - instructions (string)
install_ios_vip [Install and run the iOS application]
- instruction - installation instructions (string, default: )
- app_name - simplified instructions, application name. The value will be inserted into the standard instruction instead of − (string)
install_ios_review_vip [Install and run the iOS application, write a review in the App Store]
- instruction - installation instructions (string, default: )
- app_name - simplified instructions, application name. The value will be inserted into the standard instruction instead of − (string)
paid_5min [访问 1 个页面 (5 分钟)]
- No additional parameters required
Method call example:
$post = array(
'token' => $token,
'actions' => 200,
'period' => 'week',
'type' => 'paid_inner',
'inner_clicks' => 3,
'inner_clicks_text' => 'товарам каталога'
if ($curl = curl_init()) {
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, '');
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, true);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $post);
$out = curl_exec($curl);
echo $out;
// Result:
"error": "Incorrect url",
"error_code": 10
$post = array(
'token' => $token,
'url' => '',
'actions' => 200,
'period' => 'week',
'type' => 'paid_inner',
'inner_clicks' => 3,
'inner_clicks_text' => 'товарам каталога'
if ($curl = curl_init()) {
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, '');
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, true);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $post);
$out = curl_exec($curl);
echo $out;
// Result:
"id": "340730",
"error_code": 0
$post = array(
'token' => $token,
'url' => '',
'period' => 'week',
'type' => 'paid_se',
'search' => 'google',
'keywords' => '[{"keyword":"one key","actions":100,"position":7},{"keyword":"two key","actions":200,"page":2}]',
'instruction' => ' (МОЙ САЙТ)',
'inner_clicks' => 1,
'inner_clicks_text' => 'ссылке в шапке',
'adv_click_text' => 'по большому баннеру',
'outer_clicks' => 2,
'rejection' => 25
if ($curl = curl_init()) {
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, '');
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, true);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $post);
$out = curl_exec($curl);
echo $out;
// Result:
"id": "340731",
"error_code": 0
$post = array(
'token' => $token,
'actions' => 200,
'period' => 'dat',
'type' => 'paid_se_links',
'links' => '[{"link":"","path":"ссылка сверху"},{"link":"","path":"сылка снизу"}]',
'outer_clicks' => 2,
'rejection' => 25
if ($curl = curl_init()) {
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, '');
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, true);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $post);
$out = curl_exec($curl);
echo $out;
// Result:
"id": "340731",
"error_code": 0
Possible error codes
1 - no request parameters
7 - access denied
16 - unknown error
37 - temporarily unavailable, try again later
38 - no entities matching the request parameters
41 - daily API request limit has been reached
more detailsCreating Advertising Campaigns
9 - incorrect campaign type
10 - invalid url
11 - less than 1 action
12 - no instruction for internal clicks
13 - no keyword
14 - no link location
15 - no instruction for clicking on ads
17 - the search engine is not supported
36 - multiline statement is empty
42 - invalid json list string (keywords, links)